Frequently Asked Questions
How do I book my first appointment?
What should I expect for my first session?

How do I book my first appointment?
For your first appointment please call or email Ryan first, for a free phone consultation. Once he has spoken to you about your specific condition(s) he will send you the link to book your appointment online at your convenience.
What should I expect for my first session?
Please bring in your completed Client Health History forms or email them to us before your appointment, ryanleelac@gmail.com.
Wear loose fitting clothing that allows access to the arms and lower legs.
Allow up to 2 hours for your introductory session so Ryan can do a thorough intake and make as much progress as possible in the first treatment.
What is Acupuncture and what does it treat?
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease.
Fascia is the thin sheath of fibrous tissue that covers every element in the body and serves as a means for qi (energy) to travel all over the body. The fascia has a measurable electrical charge that changes with the insertion of needles and sends a message along the channel(or meridian) to affect an organ, muscle, or system of the body.
Acupuncture treats a plethora of conditions including: chronic and post operative pain, sports and other related injuries, arthritis, anxiety, intestinal disorders, mentrual disorders, migraines, and addictions.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Typically, Acupuncture does not hurt. Acupuncture needles are solid, unlike hollow hypodermic needles, and they are about as thin as human hair.
You may feel a sharp sensation or a dull ache upon insertion of the needles, which is the Qi (energy) moving or the opening of the blocked channel. This sensation often passes within seconds.
We are very aware of the client's needs and can use various methods of Acupuncture such as tapping the skin with the needles if the client is particularly sensitive. Additionally, we use Manual Therapy or Acupressure, which has similar effects to Acupuncture without the use of needles.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled time.
In order to continue providing the high quality care our clients deserve, we will adhere to our policy of charging $85 for any rescheduling on the same day of the appointed time. Please let us know if you have any unique considerations.